
GCN Denktank
The next GCN Think Tank on ‘De-Globalisation’ will take place on May 19th at a unique location in the center of Amsterdam. More details will

General Counsel Belgium
In close collaboration with Belgian GCs, GCN has launched General Counsel Belgium. Do you know any Belgian GCs who might find this interesting?

GCN Peer-to-Peer groups
The theme this time is: ‘Positioning of the GC and the legal department.’ How do other GC’s position themselves and the legal department within the company? What position should you and the department ideally take, and how can you achieve this? What does this mean for you as a GC and for the people within your team? We will share experiences and ask each other questions on this topic.

General Counsel NL Magazine 2024-2025
The new General Counsel NL Magazine 2024-2025 has been published! Packed with info and lots of pictures. Read the complete General Counsel NL Magazine 2024-2025
For me, GCN means the opportunity to connect with people facing the same challenges in a familiar, relaxed and approachable way. To stay inspired. To learn from each other's approach within totally different environments. It is a place of identifying, of development, of growing and sharing. Various fascinating topics and encounters, with a laugh, entertainment and good conversation included and unique to us General Counsel.
During my nearly 20 years working in multiple countries, I’ve been involved in a number of associations of in-house counsel and have found the GCN to be an exceptionally valuable network. The GCN brings together senior lawyers with diverse backgrounds and deep experience not just in the Netherlands but across Europe and around the world. Every time I attend a GCN event, I learn something new and have interesting conversations that continue well after the meeting is over.
In my opinion, General Counsel Netherlands is the pre-eminent network for General Counsel in the Netherlands. Its structure and size make it a particularly valuable meeting place for sparring with like-minded people about challenges and questions from daily practice. During the year, meetings are organised on relevant topics with sufficient depth. Membership is highly recommended!
GCN provides a great opportunity to meet with peers in an informal setting, where exchanging information and brainstorming about actual topics is encouraged and facilitated. GCN conferences and various events form the perfect environment to be inspired and to create precious balcony moments that each of us can subsequently implement into his/her day-to-day practice.
GCN is also a great way to share best practices and establish valuable contacts within different industries, because of the wide areas of law which are represented within GCN.
I think I became a member of GCN almost immediately after it was founded. I immediately thought it was a great decision and a wonderful idea. By joining GCN, my network of peers has grown enormously, and I have many opportunities to speak with colleagues. It is an active club with many interesting activities. It's great!